Does the condition of your carpets leave you embarrassed to have house guests over? If so, pick up the phone and give Keep Clean Services a call today on 01706 411590. We possess the means and expertise to tackle carpets in varying stages of cleanliness, ranging from minor dirt and dust build-up to stains that have become deeply ingrained. Where domestic cleaners and machines often struggle, our commercial-grade supplies and equipment are more than up to the task.
Perhaps you’ve just spilt something notorious for leaving a lasting stain, like curry or red wine. Don’t panic, as our techniques are highly effective and will remove even the most stubborn stains, leaving your carpets looking immaculate. Don’t despair over finding something to cover those stains up with or having to replace the carpet entirely. Simply get in touch and let us work our magic. By the time we’re done, your carpets will look as good as new.